It is certainly starting to get cold out there, so it is time to start thinking about the best ways of looking after your horse this winter.
You must be prepared for the worst conditions to make sure everything is as comfortable as possible for your four-legged friend. Below we have put together a few basic tips for looking after your horse this winter so that both you and your horse are in top condition ready for spring!
Tips for Looking After your Horse this Winter
1. Keeping warm is hungry work so make sure there is enough food for your horse, but not too much! Overfeeding can create a whole host of other problems. If you’re unsure of correct quantities, ask your vet for advice.
2. Check water troughs twice a day to ensure they haven’t frozen over.
3. If your horse grows a thick coat for winter, don’t overgroom it. This will strip it of the natural waterproofing oils that it produces.
4. If your horse wears a rug, remove it once a day to check for rubbing, sores and overheating.
5. Beware of your paddock becoming poached by choosing a well draining field for winter turnout, moving water troughs around periodically, or if possible, rotating grazing.
6. If kept outside, provide some shelter for your horse that can withstand strong winds and driving rain.
7. If your horse is kept inside, ensure any barns or stables are well ventilated – poor air quality can lead to respiratory diseases.
8. It might be too cold for you outside, but your horse still needs to exercise! Try to still ride as much as possible during winter and if not, make sure you turn your horse out every day.
9. After exercise always walk your horse to allow it to cool down slowly, otherwise it can become chilled.
10. Be prepared for the worst weather. Can you get to your horse in extreme conditions? If you can’t, ensure there is somebody who can help.
Stick to these basic tips to ensure you are looking after your horse this winter, and if you are still in doubt, get in touch with your vet who will be able to offer you some more detailed advice.
Moving your Horse this Winter
Are you looking to move your horse to a winter location that has better facilities for the more challenging conditions ahead? If so, NRT International can provide professional horse moving services, whether it’s a mile down the road to a different paddock or across to the other side of the world.
Give us a call today on 01638 663155 to find out about the services we offer. Alternatively, click here to get in touch.