Moving horses to a new home, whether that be temporary or permanent, is a big change which can cause a lot of stress. Imagine how stressful it is for us humans when we move house, well it is the same for horses.
There are two key things to get right when moving horses to ensure that everyone involved has the most comfortable and relaxed experience. Firstly you need to ensure that your horse’s journey to his new home is as stress-free as possible. To achieve this, we would always recommend a professional horse moving service to ensure your horse is handled correctly.
Secondly you need to ensure your horse is settling in well and to help you to this, we’ve put together some things to consider in the first few weeks.
Helping your horse settle in
1. Give your horse a chance to explore his new surroundings in his own time. Ideally let your horse investigate on his own, however, if this is not possible try using a loose rope.
2. If there are other horses at the new yard, don’t introduce your horse to the group all at once. This will upset the existing pecking order and can cause unnecessary stress. Introduce your horse gradually to a few horses at a time over the course of a number of weeks.
3. In saying this, your horse should not be kept in solitary confinement following the move. Ideally keep him in an open paddock or pasture where he can be kept separate, but not alone.
4. A change in forage can increase the risk of colic, so make sure you bring a few bales of hay with you from the previous home and introduce it gradually. For the same reason, it is also a good idea to limit the amount of time your horse is out to pasture in his new home to just a few hours a day.
5. Changes in water can also cause problems. Sometimes horses can be fussy when it comes to differences in their drinking water. With this in mind, always ensure that water given at the new home is as fresh as possible.
6. If your horse is being stabled, make sure you use the same bedding that was used in his previous home. This will help him to bond wth his new surroundings a lot quicker.
7. Check your horse’s temperature twice a day for the three days following arrival. If the readings are persistently above 38.5 degrees celsius this could be a sign of shipping fever. Make sure you keep a close eye on it and call your vet if the temperature does not drop.
8. Get some horse toys to keep your horse occupied. This will take his mind off the stress of the move and help him to feel more relaxed in his new environment.
Moving Horses with Professionals
If you’re looking for a highly-skilled, professional service to use when moving your horses, look no further than NRT. Our team not only has all the skills and experience you could ask for, it also has a genuine passion for horses. This combination ensures that your horse has the most comfortable and stress-free move possible.
For more information and advice about moving horses professionally, give us a call on 01638 663155, or click here to find out more.