UK Thoroughbred Breeding Statistics

Here at NRT, we provide all kinds of transport for horses, from moving someone’s beloved old nag to its new paddock, right through to delivering highly valuable thoroughbreds to some of the most prestigious race meetings in the world. There are many reasons for needing to transport a horse, but one that is often overlooked is thoroughbred breeding.

There were under 200 stallions that stood in the UK in 2015, which seems like a small number, however when you consider the amount of mares that they cover and the amount of foals that they produce, the numbers quickly add up making companies like us that provide transport for horses extremely busy indeed.

To give you a better idea, take a look at the below 2015 UK thoroughbred breeding statistics:

Registered Stallions: 160
Mares Reported at Stud: 8,760
Live Foals – Colts: 2,321
Live Foals – Fillies: 2,248
Live Foals – Total: 4,569

(Source: BHA British Racing Statistics 2015)

Providing Transport for Horses in the Thoroughbred Breeding Industry

And it’s not just the numbers that keep us busy. There are other factors that make this type of transport for horses more delicate. Firstly thoroughbreds are notoriously highly strung and therefore need to be handled with a lot of care – especially when you consider their value, not only to their owner’s wallet, but also to the sport of horseracing. You must also consider that transporting mares and foals also brings with it a number of challenges, including unnecessary stress on both mare and foal, increased risk of injury and difficulty with nursing in transit.

When providing transport for horses, each scenario is different, each destination is different, and perhaps most importantly, each horse is different. That’s why you need a professional and highly experienced team handling the process. At NRT that’s exactly what you get, every single step of the way.

With so much experience and expertise with thoroughbreds, you can be sure that your mares, foals or indeed any horses are in safe and professional hands.

To find out more about our services, give us a call on 01638 663155 or click here.

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